lunedì 24 giugno 2013

Roberto Lehner: I must have contact to the dancers, i MUST feel them

Another great Tango DJ in our gallery: Roberto Lehner. With almost twenty years of tango behind, Roberto has got a deep knowledge of tangoworld, his music and his secrets. He loves to be in the heart of milonga. “Sometimes the dj's place is somewhere far away from the dancers. This, in my opinion is the worst thing for a dj. I must have contact to the dancers, i MUST feel them. I ask myself why is the dj not in the Center of a milonga like in a Disco, there you can really be in contact with the dancers”.
Discover Roberto ‘s secrets!!!
What inspired you to get into console and play music? A conscious decision or was the result of chance?

When i started dancing Tango (1995) we only had a few CD's from Di Sarli, D'Arienzo and Canaro. After a few years of dancing i was asked for djing at a local milonga in my hometown. i played the tangos i knew this time. It was not very inspiring for me. From this time on i was djing regularly at local milongas. At the beginning of my dancing career, i didn’t like the music so much, but after my first visit in Buenos Aires i started to collect CD's and later also MP3.
What were your early taste of tango? There are significant differences with the current scene?
It was many years ago during my first trip to Buenos Aires. I visited the milonga "Nino bien" where i bought a self burned CD from the DJ. It was Alfredo de Angelis. I loved this Music so much that i started to collect more and more. I didn't play De Angelis for a long time, but now i come back to him.

The difficulty of the search for songs on cd often burned, the explosion of the Web and the consequent relatively easy to find in the music. Do you think this paradigm shift has changed the way of working of the DJ?

Of course, playing with computers makes your job very much easier than working with CD's. You can work on your music almost everywhere.
And also the easy way to find Music brings up more and more DJ's with new ideas. This give a big competition for all DJ's and is good for organisers and dancers. So if you wanna be asked for djing you have to be special and you have to work for it.

When you build your performance? Long ago, during the journey to the milonga, or sudden moment by moment?

I have a very long playlist from where a choose tandas step by step during the milonga. All the tandas are arranged.  My System is to match a milonga-tanda followed by two tango-tandas (means also with vals).the whole group should match together. But i cant say, i do it all the time like that. There are so many things happend during a Performance, that it makes almost impossible to follow a strictly rule.

Have you ever played in a boring night? Have you you understand too late that perhaps the milonga could not give you the right motivation and you could not wait to finish? Do you accept whatever you offer or try to make a selection preferring location and fascinating evening with friends?

Yes of course, i'v played at a boring milonga (not only once).
In general i must say, that organisers often don't care much about the equipment, accoustic, place for the dj etc. i think it doesn't cost very much to ask a specialist about accoustic-questions. Sometimes you can do little things to make the sound much better. And then, sometimes the dj's place is somewhere far away from the dancers. This, in my opinion is the worst thing for a dj. I must have contact to the dancers, i MUST feel them. I ask myself why is the dj not in the Center of a milonga like in a Disco, there you can really be in contact with the dancers.
My style depends on Level of dancers. time of the milonga, Country etc. I have a mix of rhythmical and melodic tangos. by myself i like more rhythmical tangos. But this is not the most important thing. i shall play what the people keeps dancing.

Do you prefer playing alone or sharing the night with a / colleague. Generally prefer to work alone, or with friends who you feeling? Or, you love the thrill of experimenting with a colleague ever heard until then?

I would prefer to play alone. But if i can try with a colleague at home, without beeing at a milonga, i would probably try it.
The reason is, because i wanna construct a milonga with a start, a part in the middle and an end. We are not musicians like Miles Davis, who was a master of Improvisation. So i think it is more a pleasure for the both dj's then for the dancers.

If someone asks you the name of a track you say it to him, perhaps suggesting where the CD is included, or invite him to venture into the trouble of searching?
the public bother you with absurd requests: what do you do? Are you a jukebox?

If someone ask me which title, i would give a correct answer. To People i know i also give Music from my selection. It is not important for me to have my own Music. You can have find Music everywhere. The art is how to match it together.
I'm not a Jukebox.

Do you like to dance and listen to your colleagues enjoy the selections and styles of others from your performances?Do you believe that the art of “musicalizador” is different for geographic areas? Argentina, USA, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean ... or is it similar in every countries?

Oh yes. there are some DJ's i like very much and like to Dance to their music.
yes, i think there are some differences in Countries. But it is not the question of the Country but probably there are actually other styles in. In one Country they like at the Moment more Canaro others more Di Sarli. But it changes all the time.

Would you like to have a milonga just for you, furnish it with the appropriate facility to your desires, try to create a wave that satisfies you over to play when you want and create a calendar of events to measure your tastes?

Oh yes, of course i was thinking about that. But there are so many milongas around, sometimes with less than 20 couples dancing. No, i think others shall do it. I try to be a good dj, thats enough for the Moment.

Three orchestras that can not miss in one evening.

Canaro, Pugliese, D'Arienzo.

Your three favourite orchestras, which may also be different from the previous ones.

D'Arienzo, Canaro, Biagi.

Suggest a tanda of tango instrumental,

por esa mujer de carnaval
pura milonga
(Francisco Canaro)

a tanda of tango singer,
el panuelito
el adios
Osvaldo Pugliese, Jorge Maciel

one of vals and milonga.
pobre flor
felisa tolosa
De Angelis

milonga del 900
La milonga de mis tiempos

What are the three bands or singers you can not stand?

i dont know them!!

What is the band most underrated by the general public and which is the most overrated?

no answer possible.

Your top three nights (in your opinion of course …)
- Afternoon milonga in Krakow
- Open Air Milonga at Ekaterinsky Sad in Moscow
- Cafecito lungo at Int. Tangofestival Basel.

We are less serious: Last night a dj saved my life.

someone told me that once (actually some others told me that too)

The DJ rule is sexy? 

I'v never heard that.

Have you ever had a relationship with some fans and some flirt with your colleagues?

venerdì 14 giugno 2013

Giovanni Giggio: Tango para bailar. Tango de pista. No se muy bien como llamarlo. Yo pongo la música que me pide el corazón, los oídos y claro, los pies.

Hoy nos encontramos otro gran dj, Giovanni Giggio. Desde Moscow, sus selecciones musicales viajan alrededor del mundo.
Como el mismo dice de su música " Tango para bailar. Tango de pista. No se muy bien como llamarlo. Yo pongo la música que me pide el corazón, los oídos y claro, los pies. Busco cada vez mas manejar la energía de la pista para que todos bailen sin parar y quieran mas cuando suene la Cumpa". Buena lectura, y buen tango!!!

Para empezar. Supongo que como todo lo que su primer acercamiento fue con la pista. ¿Qué le llevó a dar el salto en la consola? Una decisión consciente o fue el resultado de la casualidad?
No, no… mi primer acercamiento fue la música, mis madre es cantante y siempre estuve muy rodeado de músicos. Primero conocer, y aprender a respetar el arte y el artista fue un gran paso. Después cantar… hasta los 12 años me gustaba cantar tangos. Después los bailarines, y la pista. Escucho tango hace mas de 20 años, bailo hace 18 y musicalizo hace 4. Musicalizar para mi no es mas que una consecuencia lógica e inevitable.

Cuáles eran gustos del publico cuando vos empezaste a poner música? Existen diferencias significativas en la escena actual?
En general no hubo demasiados cambios. Cada vez a la gente le gusta mas el tango, por suerte. Hay públicos y públicos.

Te acuerdas de tu primera noche en la consola?
Curiosamente, no. Es algo tan natural… yo lo tomo mas como un proceso que como un cambio puntual en mi vida.

Cuando usted construye la noche? Mucho tiempo antes de poner música, durante el viaje a la milonga, o momento a momento repentino?
Momento a momento…. máximo una tanda antes.

Le sucede que a veces se aburre y le gustaría terminar antes del tiempo preestablecido?

Cómo definirías tu estilo? Ha evolucionado con el tiempo? Y en qué dirección? ¿Qué puede influir en una noche, el público, los bailarines, la acústica del lugar, la duración de su desempeño ...
Tango para bailar. Tango de pista. No se muy bien como llamarlo. Yo pongo la música que me pide el corazón, los oídos y claro, los pies. Busco cada vez mas manejar la energía de la pista para que todos bailen sin parar y quieran mas cuando suene la Cumpa.

Por lo general prefieren trabajar solos o con otro? Te encanta la emoción de experimentar con un colega ha oído hablar hasta entonces?
prefiero solo. pero puede ser divertido hacer un back to back :)

Le gusta bailar y escuchar la música seleccionada da sus colegas ? 
Hay muy buenos djs disfruto mucho su trabajo.

La gente Te pregunta títulos de tangos?
Infelizmente no mucha… pero es un placer compartir información con gente que admira y respeta el tango.

Cree que la manera de poner musica es diferente para las áreas geográficas? Argentina, Europa del Norte, Europa, el Mediterráneo ... o todo el mundo es el mismo país?
Hay de todo en todos lados, cada uno hace lo que le parece mejor… Hay genios, hay mediocres, y …. en todos lados.

Las clásicas preguntas a quemarropa, prohibido no responder:
Tres orquestas que no pueden faltar en una noche.
D'Arienzo Di Sarli y Troilo

Sus tres orquestas preferidas, las cuales también pueden ser diferentes de los anteriores.
Si estamos hablando de tango para bailar la respuesta es igual a la anterior. si estamos hablando de escuchar, Francini-Pontier, Calo y Toilo.

Sugeri una tanda de tango instrumental, una tanda de tango con cantante, una de vals y una de milonga
Di Sarli Orquesta: "El retirado" "Catamarca" "El Aristocrata" "El Pollo Ricardo"

Tanturi-Castillo: "Pocas Palabras" "La copa del olvido" "Moneda de cobre" y "La vida es corta" 

Vals Alberto Castillo Orq.: "Unitaria", "La pulpera de Santa Lucia" y "Luna de arrabal"

Milonga De Caro-Farrel: "Sacachispas" " Milonga de mi flor" "No hay tierra como la mía"

Cuáles son las tres orquestas y cantantes que no soportas?
La única orquesta que no me gusta como un todo es Donato Racciatti. Otras tienen sus determinadas épocas o estilismos que no son mis preferidos… pero siempre tienen algo apreciable.

Qual es la orquesta más infravalorada por el público en general y que es la más sobrevalorada?
Hay públicos y públicos…. por suerte :)

Estamos a menos serio: el dj tienes un gran encanto sul publico, tienes energía sexy? Te fascina tu colegas ?
mas sexy que yo???? solo vos SuperSabino )))))

un abrazo

martedì 11 giugno 2013

Interview on Tango Dancers - Documentary Project (PART 2)

A great interview on Tango Dancers - Documentary Project.
(PART 2)

Thanks to Tatiana Balashova

Interview on Tango Dancers - Documentary project (PART 1)

A great interview on Tango Dancers - Documentary Project.
(PART 1)

Thanks to Tatiana Balashova


Sexy Interview to El Gancho

Interview to El Gancho newspaper, "SEXY INTERVIEW"



Intervista a SuperSabino sulla WebTV di Maurizio Patuelli

Intervista rilasciata a Maurizio Patuelli, sulla sua WebTv. Parlo a 360gradi dell'universo tanguero, e non solo.

Per guardarla, cliccare sul seguente link: 

Buona visione

Said, i Calibro35 sparano ancora

Pulp italo spagnolo con una grande colonna sonora. I Calibro 35  rinverdiscono i fasti di Bacalov, Morricone,Tempera, Piero Piccioni, Trovajoli e licenziano una colonna sonora impeccabile per Said, un ottimo b-movie recuperabile senza difficoltà sui youtube. Risse, botte, sparatorie e violenza, questo il succulento menu di una pellicola tesa e nervosa girata secondo gli stilemi dei seventies, ed il sound non è da meno. Imperdibile la cover di “Ragazzo di Strada” dei Corvi con special guest un immenso Manuel Agnelli leader degli Afterhours. Perché in Italia non ci sono solo Emma, Amici, ed i Modà…

Idoli (Falsi) del Trip Hop, pardon Tricky

Bisogna dirlo. A Tricky sono molto affezionato, al suo modo di rendere sensuali invitanti l’oscurità ed il silenzio, a quel ricercare lontano dalle mode, quelle sonorità che lo resero il signore del trip hop. Devo essere un po’ demodé e nostalgico, vittima della retromania anche se questa non è così retro, ma i battiti rallentati , le virate verso un tappeto di suoni ipnotico me lo rendono così necessario questo nuovo album. False Idols non sarà e non passerà alla storia come un capolavoro, ma è un puzzle fondamentale di questo artista che ha saputo interpretare una parte delle tensioni di fine millennio. Da Bristol un’altre electro discesa nel cuore di tenebra, un maelstrom allietato solo in apparenza da languide voci femminili… la classe non è acqua.

mercoledì 5 giugno 2013

Stefanie Clausen: I spend a lot of time thinking about a whole tanda, because sometimes a great song can’t give you enough if he is played in a bad tanda

Another great Tango DJ for our Gallery. Today we meet Stefanie Clausen and we discover her tangodjing philosophy, very romantic " I would prefer to talk first about my ideas of putting music before talking about my style: To be honest, I think that my idea of a milonga has been from the first moment the same like today; I have this image of a big ocean with its waves that come and go, the sky in different colors, the wind that blows, the small and big clouds... this flowing, never ending movements impress me a lot. As a professional dancer and singer I was always looking for the most natural flow for the body and I discovered that I felt better if the dj avoided harsh breaks. So, asking again for my style I would say I use easy rhythmical and relaxing romantical songs as a base, and demanding energetic or dramatic music as climaxes – and of course, I choose the songs in that way that I would like to dance each one of them myself! Sometimes I put some not so known tracks, but most of the time I try to make as many dancers as possible happy, so I am not scared of using hits". Good read, even if it would be appropriate to say good listening.

From the beginning :

I suppose that your first approach with tango, like for other dj, was with the dance. What inspired you to get into console and play music? A conscious decision or was the result of chance?
While dancing and teaching tango already since 1998, I discovered the djing quite late, in 2009. In that year I had already been to several tango marathons as a participant, dancing like hell until the rise of the sun and had so much fun... it was already that time when it was clear that a good musical choice of a dj can make your night! (I still wonder how it could work out in my first 10 years with not paying so much attention to dj and music ... I almost feel ashamed, but I remember no one around me cared about it  so intensively like everybody nowadays does – neither the dancers nor teachers)
So, as I just stopped my career as a professional singer I needed to put my love for music somewhere else and started to put in our local milonga just for fun, and so things develloped quickly.

What were your early taste of tango?
In 1998 it was of course Piazzolla, in 2009 (starting the djing) it was Canaro from the thirties, tons of it J

Do you remember your first like tango dj?
The first I payed attention to was Christos Pater, and I remember that his dj shifts made me having good dances.

The difficulty of the search for songs on cd often burned, the explosion of the Web and the consequent relatively easy to find in the music. Do you think this paradigm shift has changed the way of working of the DJ?
I imagine that it changed but as I started in 2009, this change already took place, I think.

When you build your performance? Long ago, during the journey to the milonga, or sudden moment by moment?
When I started djing, I prepared everything, like a whole playlist, because I wanted to have the perfect tracks, tandas, cortinas, flow in the milonga and as I knew quite often the location and the dancers with their taste, it worked for a while. It was also good to build up my music library, because I was looking all the time for new tracks. Nowadays it depends on my mood, sometimes I prepare some nice new tandas in advance, sometimes not. But I admit that I spend a lot of time thinking about a whole tanda, because sometimes a great song can’t give you enough if he is played in a bad tanda.

Have you ever played in a boring night? Have you you understand too late that perhaps the milonga could not give you the right motivation and you could not wait to finish?
Yes, of course, but fortunately I had not so often that experience. I think especially if there are not enough people in a milonga, it becomes a bit harder to create a good mood.

Do you accept whatever you offer or try to make a selection preferring location and fascinating evening with friends?
Right now I try to balance a bit, not to put too often the music, to stay „fresh“ – that means I put sometimes in local milongas and keep on travelling to some festivals and tango marathons, also to meet international friends, that’s a part which I really enjoy!

How would you define your style? It has evolved over time? And in which direction?
I would prefer to talk first about my ideas of putting music before talking about my style: To be honest, I think that my idea of a milonga has been from the first moment the same like today; I have this image of a big ocean with its waves that come and go, the sky in different colors, the wind that blows, the small and big clouds... this flowing, never ending movements impress me a lot. As a professional dancer and singer I was always looking for the most natural flow for the body and I discovered that I felt better if the dj avoided harsh breaks. So, asking again for my style I would say I use easy rhythmical and relaxing romantical songs as a base, and demanding energetic or dramatic music as climaxes – and of course, I choose the songs in that way that I would like to dance each one of them myself! Sometimes I put some not so known tracks, but most of the time I try to make as many dancers as possible happy, so I am not scared of using „hits“

What can influence you in an evening, the audience, the dancers, the acoustics of the location, the duration of your performance ...

Do you prefer playing alone or sharing the night with a / colleague. Generally prefer to work alone, or with friends who you feeling? Or, you love the thrill of experimenting with a colleague ever heard until then?
I prefer to work alone, at least until now but if other situations appear, I take the chance!

If someone asks you the name of a track you say it to him, perhaps suggesting where the CD is included, or invite him to venture into the trouble of searching?
Of course I give the informations, why not?

Do you like to dance and listen to your colleagues enjoy the selections and styles of others from your performances?
Definetely yes!

Do you believe that the art of “musicalizador” is different for geographic areas? Argentina, USA, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean ... or is it similar in every countries?
Yes, for sure, there are differences as well as there are differences between the musical taste of tango beginners and advanced dancers – a lot to discover for the „musicalizador“!

Would you like to have a milonga just for you, furnish it with the appropriate facility to your desires, try to create a wave that satisfies you over to play when you want and create a calendar of events to measure your tastes?
Fortunately we have here in Duesseldorf our own milonga at tanzhaus nrw once a month and every tuesday a free minilonga, so if you are nearby, come around J

The classic point-blank questions you have to answer, you cannot refuse:
Three orchestras that can not miss in one evening.
Three is not enough J So:
1. Di Sarli 2. D’Arienzo and 3. Canaro AND Biagi AND Fresedo AND D’Agostino AND....

Your three favourite orchestras, which may also be different from the previous ones.
See above

What are the three bands or singers you can not stand?
I used to have problems with De Angelis, but I must admit that my taste changes through the years... When I began to dj, I only liked music from the 30/40ies, now I love 50/60ies, too.
But of course there are many orquestas which music I don’t use in the milonga because their sound doesn’t make me wanna dance. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like them.

What is the band most underrated by the general public and which is the most overrated?
Underrated, I don’t know, overrated maybe Pugliese ( that it doesn’t mean that I don’t like his music)

Your top three nights (in your opinion of course …)
The first time when I played friday night at the tangofestival in Sitges 2011 was not easy for me, but I „survived“ more than well and then, I don’t know, I had so many magic moments especially when friends of mine danced to my dj shift (for example on a marathon)– this is always very special and gives extra energy back!

We are less serious: Last night a dj saved my life. The DJ rule is sexy?
Sure J

Have you ever had a relationship with some fans and some flirt with your colleagues?
As far as I know not J